
There are different things and ways to configure and customize this template to fit your own. You may start by first adapt the Makefile.

The Makefile

All the build process are managed through Make build automation tool that automatically builds the target outputs. Some very few knowledge are requested to modify the simple configurations. On the contrary, some skills with Makefile directives are mandatory to handle the advanced configuration

Simple configurations

Basically, the simple configurations elements are placed in the beginning of the Makefile. Only relevant configuration parameters are reported here. For further information, and advanced configuration you may refer directly to the Makefile contents.

A simple way to change any configurable values is to create a Makefile.ini in the root template folder. The provided Makefile.ini will be loaded, and overwrite the default values of the Makefile.

For testing or some basic situation, you can overwrite the default value from the commandline, such as:

 $ make MAINDOC=myThesis VERBOSE=1

In the code snipset below, the uncommented lines show the default values, which commonly correspond to the recommanded setting.


One may start by selecting the build process that is more relevant for its use case. You can select the output mode for HTML and LaTeX outputs:

#Select the output mode for HTML and TeX
#BUILD_OUTPUT_MODE    ?= multi

This choice of BUILD_OUTPUT_MODE simply enables single/multi:

  • single means a simple standalone file is generated. This should be the basic choice for quick builds without (or at least very few) posterior modifications/corrections of the generated documents. For both HTML and LaTeX the single file make it easy to share the dissertations.

    For HTML, the figures should be also added before sharing!

  • multi is for more adavanced usage, and differ slightly for HTML and LaTeX outputs:
    • in HTML, Jekyll is used to split the HTML output in several pages. This is mainly convenient for web-based publications.
    • with LaTeX, multiple .tex-files are produced to facilitate the modifications/corrections of the PDF output (e.g. to set out the final dissertation).


For the PDF output, you can specify your prefered LaTeX build system:

#Select the prefered build strategy
#BUILD_TEX_STRATEGY  ?= pdflatex

You can also define the bibliography tool:

# Select the citation TEX_BIB_STRATEGY for LateX:
TEX_BIB_STRATEGY  ?= biblatex
#TEX_BIB_STRATEGY  ?= natbib
  • biblatex: intended for use in producing a LaTeX file that can be processed with bibtex or biber. See also the BUILD_BIB_STRATEGY.

    by default in VARSDATA, the biber backend are defined.

  • natbib: intended for use in producing a LaTeX file that can be processed with bibtex.


You can specify the default target (e.g. when make is called without any arguments).

# Select the default targets
BUILD_DEFAULT_TARGETS       ?= html pdf

Defined targets can be basically any of: pdf, html, epub, odt, docx, xml.


For any targets the main output document basename is defined as:

# Specify the main output document basename

Directory where the original (df-extended Markdown) sources files are looked for, is defined by:

# By default Markdown (MD) sources are assumed defined by MDDIR
MDDIR       ?=_md
INDIR       ?=$(MDDIR)

Directory into which we place build targets is defined by:

# Directory into which we place build targets
OUTDIR      ?= build

The OUTDIR directory would contains:

# The output assets to be shared
# Output directories for intermediates files
MDHDIR      ?=$(OUTDIR)/mdh
MDXDIR      ?=$(OUTDIR)/mdx
TEXDIR      ?=$(OUTDIR)/tex

The other subdirectories

  • TEMPLATEDIR ?=_layouts: where all templates are stored.
  • TEMPLATEJEKYLLDIR ?= $(TEMPLATEDIR)/jekyll: the template for Jekyll.
  • ASSETSDIR ?=assets: directory for any materials needed to successfully complete the contents of the generated target outputs. It may contain the following subdirectories:
#for bibliographies files
BIBDIR      ?=$(ASSETSDIR)/bib
#for font files
FONTDIR     ?=$(ASSETSDIR)/fonts
#for media (e.g. figures) files
#mainly for internal use (cf. Figures)
FIGDIR      ?=$(ASSETSDIR)/fig
# for SASS/SCSS to generate CSS stylesheet for HTML output

Advanced configurations

Check programs

If you have just downloaded or cloned the template without any modification, if you run in the template folder the command make, and if no error reported, you can start using the template :+1:. On the contrary, you should check the origin of the error, by first looking if some important applications for the template are present or not on your system. You can check your installation

$ make _check_programs

and you will get an output like:

cat:                Found: /bin/cat
cp:                 Found: /bin/cp
diff:               Found: /usr/bin/diff
date:               Found: /bin/date
echo:               Found: /bin/echo
egrep:              Found: /bin/egrep
find:               Found: /usr/bin/find
grep:               Found: /bin/grep
mkdir:              Found: /bin/mkdir
mktemp:             Found: /usr/bin/mktemp
mv:                 Found: /bin/mv
sed:                Found: /bin/sed
sort:               Found: /usr/bin/sort
touch:              Found: /usr/bin/touch
uniq:               Found: /usr/bin/uniq
which:              Found: /usr/bin/which

pandoc:             Found: /usr/bin/pandoc
pp:                 Found: /usr/local/bin/pp

bibtex:             Found: /usr/bin/bibtex
biber:              Found: /usr/bin/biber
latex:              Found: /usr/bin/latex
pdflatex:           Found: /usr/bin/pdflatex
lualatex:           Found: /usr/bin/lualatex
xelatex:            Found: /usr/bin/xelatex
makeindex:          Found: /usr/bin/makeindex
xindy:              Found: /usr/bin/xindy
kpsewhich:          Found: /usr/bin/kpsewhich

tput:               Found: /usr/bin/tput

convert:            Found: /usr/bin/convert
inkscape:           Found: /usr/bin/inkscape
svgo:               Found: /usr/bin/svgo
scour:              Found: /usr/bin/scour

tar:                Found: /bin/tar
zip:                Found: /usr/bin/zip
npm:                Found: /usr/bin/npm
ruby:               Found: /usr/bin/ruby
gem:                Found: /usr/bin/gem
bundle:             Found: /usr/local/bin/bundle
jekyll:             Found: /usr/local/bin/jekyll
sass:               Found ./node_modules/.bin/sass
rsync:              Found: /usr/bin/rsync
xsltproc:           Found: /usr/bin/xsltproc

This also allows you to check if the proper applications is used

The VARSDATA (default: _data/variables.yml)

The METADATA (default: _data/metadata.yml)